American Sterling Insurance Company
Estate Manager: Scott Pearce
Email Address: PearceS@caclo.org
Telephone Number: (415) 676-5013
Conservation Date: 09/26/2011
Liquidation Date: 10/26/2011
POC Final Filing Date: 07/31/2012
Closure Date: 10/19/2017
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American Sterling Insurance Company (ASIC) was placed in liquidation as of the close of business on Wednesday, October 26, 2011. All policyholder claims affected by this liquidation are in the process of being transferred to the Insurance Guaranty Association in the state where the policyholder resides. All claims related issues will be administered by the Guaranty Association. The company issued policies in Nevada, Kansas, and Arizona. The Insurance Guaranty Association contact for each of those states is listed below, but please realize that it will be at least 15 days from the liquidation date before the Guaranty Association will be in a position to respond to specific claims matters.

All in force policies expiring prior to November 25, 2011 will run until their normal expiration date. Any policy with an expiration date after November 25, 2011 will be cancelled. Policyholders are responsible for insuring that they replace their coverage upon expiration or cancellation. Please see the Policyholder Notice notification on the webpage (www.caclo.org; see Companies section).

For those who believe they have been financially harmed as a result of the liquidation, a Proof of Claim process had a bar date (last date on which a claim may be filed) of July 31, 2012. If you believe you have been financially harmed, and have not received a Proof of Claim filing packet, please contact Susie Elkins at ElkinsS@caclo.org.

Guaranty Association Claims Contacts:

Arizona:            Lori Nestor, Claims Manager
Phone: (602) 364-3864
Email: Lnestor@azinsurance.gov

Kansas: Bill Rodgers, Claims Manager
Phone: (303) 759-5066
Email: brodgers@wgfs.org

Nevada: Bob Laudermilch
Phone: (702) 368-0607
Email: rlaudermilch@niga-pc.org