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Order Appointing Commissioner as Conservator |
Crusader Insurance Company
On June 7, 2023 the Insurance Commissioner of the State of California ("Commissioner") was appointed Conservator of Crusader Insurance Company ("Crusader") by the California Superior Court for the County of Los Angeles. The Court, having reviewed the ex parte application and support papers for an order appointing the Commissioner as Conservator of Crusader pursuant to Insurance Code section 1011, and good cause appearing, the Court finds that the Commissioner has found, determined and adequately shown that Crusader is in such condition that its further transaction of business will be hazardous to its policyholders, creditors, and the public.
Copies of the Crusader Conservation Order can be located at www.caclo.org/crusader.
Proof of Claim Mailing |
Western General Insurance Company
Proof of Claim forms and instructions have recently been mailed to all parties believed to have a claim against Western General Insurance Company. If you believe you have a claim and have not received a Proof of Claim form by September 10, 2021 you may request a form at:
WGICPOC@caclo.org or by phone at (415) 676-2125.
For additional Frequently Asked Questions regarding the Proof of Claim process click here.
For the Official Legal Notice: click here.
Por favor encuentre la version en Espanol el formulario de Prueba de Reclamo aqui.
Si opta por utilizar la version en Espanol del formulario de Prueba de Reclamo, por favor utilice el numero de reclamo que se encuentra en la version en Ingles que recibio por correo.
Liquidation Order |
Western General Insurance Company
On August 5, 2021 the Insurance Commissioner was appointed Liquidator of Western General Insurance Company ("WGIC") by the California Superior Court for the County of Los Angeles. After months of effort to seek a buyer for the company or its book of business with no acceptable proposal received to date, the Commissioner deemed the company to be operating in a hazardous financial condition and sought statutory protection of WGIC through a consensual liquidation of the company. Copies of the WGIC Liquidation Order and Frequently Asked Questions can be located at Liquidation Order and FAQ.
Order Appointing Commissioner as Conservator |
Western General Insurance Company
On May 26, 2021 the Insurance Commissioner was appointed Conservator of Western General Insurance Company ("WGIC") by the California Superior Court for the County of Los Angeles. After months of effort to seek a buyer for the company or its book of business with no acceptable proposal received to date, the Commissioner deemed the company to be operating in a hazardous financial condition and sought statutory protection of WGIC through a consensual conservation of the company. Over the next 30 to 45 days the Conservator will assess the prospects of the company transitioning the remaining in-force business to new carriers and running off the existing claims within the conservation environment.
Copies of the WGIC Conservation Order can be located at Order Appointing Commissioner as Conservator
Notice of Request that Any Unfiled Claims Assignments be Filed with CLO by August 1, 2020 |
Mission Insurance Company
This notice deals with holders of approved general creditor claims against Mission Insurance Company Trust and approved policyholder priority proof of claims against Mission National Insurance Company Trust. The Insurance Commissioner as Trustee is planning to file a motion in the near future seeking court approval to make a distribution to approved general creditor priority claimants against Mission Insurance Company Trust and to approved policyholder priority claimants against Mission National Insurance Company Trust for interest. This notice affects only approved proof of claims holders. As part of any such subsequently-filed motion, the Insurance Commissioner as Trustee will request the Liquidation Court to set a "record date" for the distribution, i.e., a date by which any completed CLO Change of Address/Assignment Notification Declaration forms and supporting documents must be received by the Conservation and Liquidation Office to be recognized. This notice advises holders of claims who may be assignors and potential assignees of claims that the record date anticipated to be...
Final Distribution Completed |
Executive Life Insurance Company
On July 1, 2020, a final distribution of approximately $80 million was completed to Executive Life contract holders in accordance with the court approved order dated December 4, 2019.
Pre-Distribution Mailing |
Executive Life Insurance Company
On January 15, 2020 a pre-distribution mailing of address verification/tax election letters went out to Opt-Out contract holders. All contract holders must complete, sign and return the form no later than April 30, 2020 in order to receive their share of the final distribution which is currently scheduled to take place on July 1, 2020.
Order Granting Insurance Commissioner's Final Distribution and Closing Application |
Executive Life Insurance Company
On December 4, 2019, the Superior Court of the State of California, County of Los Angeles, Central District approved the Commissioner's application for a final distribution of approximately $80 million to occur on or about July 1, 2020 and to close the Executive Life Insurance Company...
Consent to Issuing New and Renewal Business |
California Insurance Company
The Deputy Conservator, after considering the relevant circumstances with respect to California Insurance Company and the conservation, hereby consents to California Insurance Company to issuing new and renewal policies and that it may issue such policies wherever situated provided they are issued or renewed in full compliance with the laws and any other applicable regulatory requirements of each of the states in which any such insurance policies are issued and/or renewed by California Insurance Company.
Order Appointing Insurance Commissioner as Conservator |
California Insurance Company
California Insurance Company ("CIC") was placed into Conservation on November 4, 2019 by the California Superior Court for the County of San Mateo.