Conflict of Interest Statement
Year 2009 - 2010
This document establishes policy guidelines and procedures for conflict of interest issues pertaining to employees of the CLO.
In general, conflicts of interest relate to the potential for self-gain usually, but not always, of a fiscal nature. Potential for self-gain can serve to undermine the judgment or objectivity of CLO employees such that their mission and dedication to the CLO are compromised. Furthermore, not only bias, but the appearance of bias, may undermine public trust in the CLO.
A potential or actual conflict of interest exists when commitments and obligations to the CLO, or to widely recognized professional norms, are likely to be compromised by a person’s other interests or commitments, especially economic, particularly if those interests or commitments are not disclosed.
The activities stated below do not attempt to specify every possible limitation on officers’ and employees’ activities that might be determined to fall within the scope and proscriptions of an incompatible activity.
It is not the intent of the CLO to inquire into the private affairs of its officers or employees, or to limit the rights granted by the laws of the United States and the State of California.
Activities and/or enterprises deemed to fall in these categories shall include, but not be limited to, all of the following:
July 2009